Some of my favorite WarioWare: DIY Microgames, courtesy of the DoujinSoft Store. I picked up a cartridge for $2 at a used game store sometime around 2017, and it easily became one of my all-time favorites. These can be played in your browser!
(If anyone knows how to beat the Demoman in the TF2 one, please tell me)
Shmoogle by Wesley
Chrono Crash by Psycho J.
Music Editor by Kageyama
Ice by Jarvis
"Yellow Devil" by Haniwa
Save Woody by ecrazy
Treasure+ by Leland
Cuphead by JPiXeL
"Sanshi Nojingi" by Raoh
SortOrSplode by Minxalot
Eeveelution! by Malamite
TF2 (Better) by Bobby
ChipChallenge by Lavos
Teeth Thief by Quirk
Horse Course by Quirk
Hot Air by Freshy
Evil Elves! by Freshy
TinyWare 3 by Freshy
Triple Test by Freshy